As a sales coach for women entrepreneurs, one question I get a lot is, “What tools should I be using to help me sell?” […]
Sales insights, real life strategies, and a little tough love from someone who knows how hard this part of your business can be, and knows that you can do it.
Who is your biggest competitor?
Who is your biggest sales competitor? If you’re a solopreneur, it might not be who you think… If you’re a large company, your biggest […]
Why selling is like fishing (but not the way you think)
Hey! You know that saying that starts, “Teach a man to fish…?” My client had a different take on it and how to use […]
How do you know who to ask?
She had just finished her story when she finally asked: “So what should I do?” That day, she explained, she had run into an […]
Looks like the cat’s out of the bag
Well, the cat’s out of the bag! Yesterday in my online class I announced that registration for SIGNED, my program for entrepreneurs to learn […]
I almost cancelled the call…
I almost cancelled the call. It wasn’t the first time either. It happened before every sales call. I got that sense of dread. What […]